Surgeons > Associate Professor Jean-Marc Gerard
Associate Professor Jean-Marc Gerard

Associate Professor Jean-Marc Gerard is an ENT consultant and Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Otolaryngology at the University of Melbourne, the Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital and Austin Health since June 2017. He is qualified in ENT surgery with a specific interest in Otology and Neurotology.
In 2002, after completing his training at the Free University of Brussels he worked as a consultant in the Otology and Neurotology Department at the University Hospital Saint-Luc (University of Louvain). In 2011, he was appointed Head of the Department. Jean-Marc also created and managed the Cochlear Research Centre for Advanced Cephalic Surgery in Brussels from 2010 to 2014. Academically, Dr Gerard was appointed co-Chairman of Oto-rhino-laryngology (in the faculty of psychology and speech therapy), Catholic University of Louvain (UCL) and Free University of Brussels (ULB), Belgium. Before moving to Melbourne, Dr Gerard worked as a staff physician in Abu Dhabi between 2014 and 2017 where he established and managed the Otology Unit at the Cleveland Clinic.
Associate Professor Gerard has recently been appointed Head of Otology at RVEEH. He has participated in the development of hearing implants and implantable microphones in collaboration with Professor Briggs and continues to undertake research in the Department of Otolaryngology at the University of Melbourne.